記憶 Memory


This is a story about one of my classmates in my Spanish class. Let me call him Mr. T for now...
He has a great memory. If he tries, he can memorize almost anything. But when he goes up to do a speech, his courage is close to a zero.
We had to do a small play on Monday. We had to get into groups of 2 or 3 and make a play in Spanish, memorize it in Spanish, and do it in front of the class in Spanish.
I was in a group of three. There’s Mr. J, and Mr. T.
We wrote out our speech and had the teacher look over it. We all went home and began memorizing our lines for Monday. Mr. J and I used Email to practice, and we both believed that Mr. T would be all right because he has good memory.
I wish we never thought that.
And Monday came… We began our play in front of the class.
The first line was Mr. J, he shivered a bit, but he was all right.
Then, it was me. I was all right.
Then, it was Mr. T. He didn’t say anything.
Mr. J and I got worried and gave him a hint to his lines. Mr. T remembered and said his lines. But when his line came again…
He didn’t say anything.
Mr. T came to me an hour ago and told me that he memorized all of his lines.
Mr. J was sighing, and the teacher had to give Mr. T some hints, and Mr. T suddenly remembered what he was supposed to say and we finished the play.
Our group got a B+ on this play. It was better than what we imagined…
That’s the story about Mr. T in my class…

帰国 Return



I finally came home...
I finally came back from Japan yesterday, and I am tired like crazy.
And I woke up late this morning.
I got up from bed and looked at the clock like, "What time is it--- 11!!!???"
I'm so glad there was no school today.
Really... If I had school today, I would've been dead.
I'm watching Kouhaku right now... It's the song tournament held in Japan...
My little brother was nice today.
He let me watch TV today, and that rarely ever happens. That's why I'm watching this.
I'm so happy... (tears
If I don't change the channel to something he hates, I can watch TV...
I ususally don't watch TV because of this. That's why, when my friends speak of TV, I get lost so esily...

I should go to sleep early tonight... But there's no school tomorrow so I can wake up late...
What should I do...?

バンド Band


A few days ago, I got a letter from my mother...
It's a young boy's essay that was turned into some kind of tournament. I didn't really understand what the tournament was, but it's in Japanese, so the title is stated above in the Japanese section along with the link...
Well, I cried. I mean it, I did cry. It moved me so much...
Oh yeah, I had a band concert on Tuesday. I guess it sounded pretty good from what the people around us were saying, but to us, it wasn't our best...;;
I was playing with my classmates afterwards... Mainly drawing and stuff...
From what my Mom said, my little brother only listened to the band I was in. He didn't listen to the other groups, like the choir and orchestra. Truthfully, I actually thought he was a good guy for once...

iPod iPod (アイポッド)

渡と私は音楽が大好きです。まあ、好き嫌いはありますが、大好きです。普通のクリスマスの歌やアニメキャラクターが歌う歌(渡は『機関車トー○ス』や『ワンピ○ス』の歌好きです…)から槙原敬之(私は『世界に一つだけの花』や『I ask.』好きです。)からビートルズ(渡は『Let it Be』がなぜか好きです。)まで…色んな歌を聴いてます。

I got an iPod.
I just wanna scream out, “YEAH!!” Anyone’s happy when they get the all-time famous music player of the Apple Company.
Once I can get some music into this, I will (maybe) listen to it with my little brother.
My little brother and I love music. We are sometimes picky on music, but we still love it as a whole anyway. From normal Christmas songs and anime songs (Little brother likes Tho_as the Tank Engine and ON_ PIECE…), to Makihara (Personally, I like “I ask.” And “The Only Flower on the Planet”), to The Beatles (Little Brother likes “Let it Be”)… Well a lot more if you wanted to know.
iPods fit in a lot of songs. Which means you can listen to more songs, watch movies, play games…
But even the great iPod has a downside.
I said that I wanted an iPod at school.
One of my friends went against me…
From what the school newspaper says, the iPod sound waves destroy your eardrums and make you deaf. But I wasn’t ready to give up and say, “Oh, I’ll just not buy it then.”
“My little bro and I love music. That’s why, we’re gonna listen to it together. And, the iPod is best for listening with him because it looks hard to control. Since he’s autistic, he takes things without asking, which can evolve to shoplifting if we don’t watch out. But if use the iPod, which he probably won’t be able to control for a while, he’ll ask when he wants to rewind the song. He’ll probably steal the MP3 player, it looks too easy for controlling…”
What a long explanation….
Well, when I said that… My friend seemed exasperated. (The shoplifting thing is half the reason why I wanted to get an iPod…) But she seemed a bit on the verge to give up.
A bit.
“But if you listen to it for a long time, you’ll go deaf!” She attacked me again.
“But that’s the same with MP3 players. Anyways, my little brother has good hearing, so I don’t get the chance to listen to an iPod inside the house. If I do, he’ll walk over and take it away and tell me to turn it off because he can hear the music… So I mainly use the computer instead at home.”
I hope she doesn’t hate me…………
But it is true. I have a lot of times when I want to listen to music with my little brother. The shoplifting idea came from when I first saw an iPod in the hands of one of my seniors at school.
I felt like everybody in this world (including me) has very different and weird thoughts.

言葉 Words

弟の色んな話は母のブログ、自閉症 渡の宝箱で見れます。
弟は人と話すとき、絶対に I や me (僕/私/俺、等)という言葉を使いません。多分、使い方がわからないからだと思います。
そんな弟が今日、使いました!Iって言った!!一人でスープを作っていた弟に「Can we do it?」(皆でできるか?)って聞きました。ここでは Yes, we can! (皆でできる!) と言う。
弟の答え:Yes, I can!
まあ、ボ○とブーブーズ風に言ってたけど…I を使いました。めちゃくちゃ感動しました。初めてです。
I know this is sudden... But my little brother is autistic.
This is a little thing that happened today that I want to talk about...
When my little brother speaks, he never uses "I" or "me". He always speaks in third person. It's probably because he doesn't know how to use them.
Well, my little brother finally used "I" today! I asked "Can we make it?" for he was making soup and I was telling him what to do, and his answer was...
"Yes, I can!"
It was kinda like Bob the Bu_lder...(Fill in the blanks.) But he actually used "I"! Without any cues or anything! First time he's ever done it in front of me!!
I love my little brother. We fight sometimes, but I love him. I love him a lot every time he grows and learns more.

ハロ〜 Hullo~



I've had this account for what... Two years? Well, I've had it for some time, and... I haven't used it at all. I've got time working on my side now, so I want to be able to write just a bit at a time. I really want to be able to write on this journal for a while though.

...... Yeah, well... This is Aerith/Curori dreaming that she could have such a nice intro... But since I'm not so good with my vocabulary, yeah, I can't make fancy introducitons... ^^;
Try to call me "Curori" , for the name Aerith was made when I was in a big hobby boom. (yes, i love that video game.)
Well, I want to be able to write a journal on here. Not too much about personal stuff, but some stuff that I find interesting out in the world.
I may even write about a book... Just for fun.

My art site... http://curori.deviantart.com/

............ Well, that's all from Curori.