言葉 Words

弟の色んな話は母のブログ、自閉症 渡の宝箱で見れます。
弟は人と話すとき、絶対に I や me (僕/私/俺、等)という言葉を使いません。多分、使い方がわからないからだと思います。
そんな弟が今日、使いました!Iって言った!!一人でスープを作っていた弟に「Can we do it?」(皆でできるか?)って聞きました。ここでは Yes, we can! (皆でできる!) と言う。
弟の答え:Yes, I can!
まあ、ボ○とブーブーズ風に言ってたけど…I を使いました。めちゃくちゃ感動しました。初めてです。
I know this is sudden... But my little brother is autistic.
This is a little thing that happened today that I want to talk about...
When my little brother speaks, he never uses "I" or "me". He always speaks in third person. It's probably because he doesn't know how to use them.
Well, my little brother finally used "I" today! I asked "Can we make it?" for he was making soup and I was telling him what to do, and his answer was...
"Yes, I can!"
It was kinda like Bob the Bu_lder...(Fill in the blanks.) But he actually used "I"! Without any cues or anything! First time he's ever done it in front of me!!
I love my little brother. We fight sometimes, but I love him. I love him a lot every time he grows and learns more.